UK missed three chances to join EU scheme to bulk buy PPE
It has been revealed that the UK missed three chances to join a EU scheme to bulk buy PPE, as the NHS is hit by shortages that are continually threatening the lives of frontline staff.
Trusts across the country have been relying on local firms and practices to donate PPE.
The Guardian have also alleged that the UK has also been absent from key talks about future purchases, choosing to make its own arrangements, despite a number of invites from the EU to be involved.
European doctors and nurses are preparing to receive the first of £1.3bn worth of personal protective equipment within days through a joint procurement scheme involving 25 countries and eight companies.
This follows reports of growing anger that medics on the coronavirus frontline in the UK have been left short of vital equipment including gowns, and masks, which are said to be running out or ineffective to begin with.
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has now the acknowledged impact of these shortages, blaming the supply issue on “a competitive market.”
The UK government has responded to claims that they missed opportunities, saying that it was unable to join the EU’s procurement schemes as it had not received an email of invitation, blaming the EU for sending it to an out of date email address.
As a result, the government missed out on mass procurement of medical ventilators, and has called on UK manufacturers to build tens of thousands more.
But it has also not been involved in two rounds of bulk purchasing of personal protective equipment, which were launched by the EU in February and March.
There have since been widespread complaints by frontline NHS staff, that they are putting their lives at risk by interacting with patients who have Covid-19, without adequate protection.
Britain is still following EU guidelines until December 31 while the nation remains in a transition period and a deal on Britain’s post Brexit future is being agreed.
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